Welcome to my Stories and Poems blog!
Quick rules: Don't plagiarize anything.
Do not re-post without my permission (at least link back to my blog~) and if you like something, please do leave a comment.



Oh look, a book!
I wonder what’s in it?

A collection of stories
Crafted by pen,
Borne of imagination,
Taking shape on paper,
Provoking and expanding
The horizons of the mind.
The handicraft of our lives.
An image of our souls.

Writing is an art. Each writer has his or her own style and flair, their skills polished by endless scribbling and flipping of pages. A picture is worth a thousand words but a thousand well-written words cannot be described in a single picture.

Writing and reading brings us to a place few have been to before. It opens our eyes and shows us things we’ve never seen before. It makes us think of things we’ve never thought of before.

Writing is an art. It is beautiful.

I am an aspiring writer though I seem to write less and less as the years go by.
Lately, I write more poetry (though people ask me if I'm writing songs)

So, I may not be a very good writer but everything I have written is another piece of me, an image of my soul.

I hope you guys willl enjoy my stories and poems!
Leave a comment!
