Welcome to my Stories and Poems blog!
Quick rules: Don't plagiarize anything.
Do not re-post without my permission (at least link back to my blog~) and if you like something, please do leave a comment.


About Me

This is a space dedicated me ranting on about myself.

Okay, so what do I say?

I'm a Malaysian teenage young adult writer and I write just about anything.

My friends call me Sam and yes, I am a girl. 

Most of the pieces here on my blog are written a very long time ago so excuse any juvenile notions they may contain.
Lately I write more poetry though I dont think I'm very good at it. haha...

I love books, sunshine, tv, sports, crafts, writing, playing games and hanging out with my friends.

My Favorite Books
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
Abhorsen, Sabriel, Lirael - Garth Nix
Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven - Mitch Albom
Kane and Abel, The Prodigal Daughter - Jeffrey Archer
Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden
Atonement - Ian McEwan
Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami

My official favorite word is "AWESOME" and i say it all too much on every possible occasion.

I like living in the moment but I always worry (too much) about what will come. I like thinking but I often over do it. I am too much of a romantic yet I am a skeptic.
I always have big dreams and huge goals.
I am a dreamer, thinker, storyteller, leader.

I adore children and all that is adorable. I like taking walks. I like lying on the sofa with food watching tv. I love running around all over the place!

I LOVE FOOD! I am a glutton for food and I am almost always hungry~
I can cook but I'm almost always too lazy to do it~

I like people who are sincere. I like people who are honest. I like people who are intelligent and interesting to talk to!

I love my sisters. I love my best friends because they really are the most awesome people in the world and without them I would be lost.

I am one person, finding my place in this big, mean, dark and complicating world and doing my best every day to make it a brighter place.

You can find me on Facebook